Old Antwerpen
Monday, May 08, 2000; posted by Lisa
Some sights from my visit to Old Antwerpen with Paris's friend, Diego, and his aunt, who lives there. I was only able to procure bits of information about the buildings, so this will not be an encyclopaedia moment. I had a wonderful time and Diego and his aunt treated me like a member of the family. Wonderful people!
See the castle in the distance? Wish I could have gotten closer. Cannot remember what Diego said about it, but I'm quite sure that some sort of royalty lived or lives there.
Just liked this image of the church against the blue sky and puffy white clouds. Especially the reflection of the sky in the window.
This is the entrance to the center of the city. The two symmetrical buildings are impressive and old.
Here we are in a restaurant called, "Moments" in which we had a tasty and beautifully-presented lunch. Nice server took the picture and spoke great English.
In the distance can be seen a sculpture of a giant hand. It is the hand of a Giant who attacked the city but was slain by a hero, whose name I do not remember.
Another church. Just liked its image down this narrow lane.
The Parliament Building in front of which is a statue of the hero slaying the Giant.
Quaint street. Very narrow, especially with all of the construction everywhere, trying to keep the old city on its foundations.
Unusually shaped building with limbless trees in front, out of which were desperately sprouting some leaves.