Parks and Gardens
Wednesday, June 07, 2000; posted by Paris
Lisa and I spent a great deal of time strolling through Regent's and Hyde Parks and Kensington Gardens.
The parks have been used since the 15th century for relaxation and entertainment of the King and Queen. Now people like me can get in...
Lisa at a fountain on the edge of a little lake in Kensington Gardens.
The roses were in full bloom in the gardens of Regent's Park.
More flowers and some benches in Regent's Park. The gardens smelled wonderful.
A close-up of a flower found in Regent's Park.
This is the college Lisa attended in 1986 - Regent's College.
Lisa and I in Regent's Park. Notice the flowers...
The Secret Garden (aka The Garden of St. John's Lodge). Hardly any people. Unbelievably peaceful, colorful and well-manicured. I have some ideas for my next garden.
Me, in the Secret Garden.
Lisa at the entry to the Secret Garden.