Saturday in Amsterdam
Sunday, June 25, 2000; posted by Paris
Last week we went to Amsterdam to visit the Anne Frank house, the Anton Corbijn "strippinggirls" foto exhibit and to have dinner with some friends from work.
The Corbijn exhibit was in the Theatermuseum. It is a renovated house which was built in the 1600's. It has a marvelous four story curving neck-gable staircase (the first built in Amsterdam).
This is a view of the Anne Frank house from across the canal. The front of the house is to the left of the tree in the center. The Westertoren church is to the right of this picture.
The secret annex is far in the back of the building on the top floors.
We were discouraged from taking pictures inside the Anne Frank house, but I managed this quick one of the secret entry way (hidden by a bookcase) to the secret annex.
The rooms were extremely small, even though they were empty of furniture. The walls had the clippings and pictures Anne had hung over 50 years ago. It is amazing to think 8 people lived in these cramped quarters for so long.
The museum contained the original diaries and video interviews with friends of the family. Each room was in its original state, and had a fotograph of how it looked with furniture.
Right in the heart of Amsterdam.
Canals are used by boaters to get around the city.
This is the inside of the Inde Wildeman bar that we visited. It has a plaque on the wall from 1940 commemorating its 250th anniversary. It is dark, but welcoming.
Many beers, especially seasonal ones, can be ordered at the bar.
This building built in the 1600's, tilts in various directions (although difficult to see). It is surprising to see it can still stand.