Pasar Malam in The Hague
Sunday, June 25, 2000; posted by Paris
There is a well-known Indonesian festival held every year for one week in The Hague. It is a celebration of Indonesian food, music, art, culture and vacations.
We visited last Sunday. Huge tents fill the Koekamp park. We ate tasty food, smelled incense, listened to music and watched Indonesian dances.
During these weeks, the Euro 2000 European soccer matches are taking place. The Netherlands team has miraculously won its three games. Just about every t.v. station is broadcasting the events. Although I do not watch the games, I can tell every time the Dutch make a goal. Click here to hear the birds, cheers, horns and firecrackers (46k).
This is one of the two large food tents. Local restaurants serve food cooked on site (just like the Italian festival). We sampled some good food, and have a couple of restaurants added to our list.
Here is a view of the tents. They are about four stories tall.