The Visit
Sunday, November 05, 2000; posted by Paris
This past week we were lucky to have a visit from my parents and brother. Included are images from our various stops throughout their week-long stay. Unfortunately, the weather was not good for their visit - mid-40's and very strong winds and rain. A major storm hit the UK, France and the Netherlands causing flooding, damage and shutting down transportation networks. Still, we got around just fine and had a really good visit.
We visited the Binnenhof - or inner court which is the governmental center of the Netherlands. Among the buildings can be found the Ridderzall (Knight's Hall) from the late 13th century and the halls of the 1st and 2nd Chamber of the Staten Generaal (equal to the US House and Senate - BTW, don't vote for Hillary Clinton, please.)
A fair was taking place in the main Dam square while we were visiting Amsterdam.
This is a picture from inside one of the chambers of the Staten Generaal. Each seat is representative of a specific legislative district.
Inside the Ridderzaal is where the queen comes to address the Opening of Parliament every fall. The red chair is hers. When looking up, one can see little heads with big ears carved into the woodwork. They are the eavesdroppers - they compelled people to tell the truth in the olden days.
The Ridderzaal (a foto from earlier this summer, since it was too grey and rainy to get a good shot).