Kobenzl Hotel, Salzburg
Wednesday, May 09, 2001; posted by Paris
After our business meetings we had a very good Austrian dinner high on the hillside. We ate at the Kobenzl Hotel, on an open patio overlooking the moutain ranges and Salzburg city center. The weather was great, the breeze warm, the view stunning and we were the only people there for dinner.
Salzburg was also home to the von Trapp family (as seen in the Sound of Music) and many locations associated with the movie are identified throughout the city.
Here is the hotel and the patio where we sat looking out over the mountains.
Here is a panoramic view of the valley. The sun is setting on the right, and to the left of the bump in the middle is the old city center.
A view of the city center and valley from the hotel. The close-up below provides a better perspective.
This close-up of the previous picture provides greater detail.