Trains in Germany
Tuesday, March 28, 2000; posted by Paris
Here are some images of the trains and stations I encountered in a recent visit to Hannover & Hamburg, Germany.
This is the Hauptbahnhof train station in Hamburg. Filled with shops, restaurants, people and pay-for-use toilets. Can you spare a dime? Please.
This is the recently renovated (for Expo2000) Krope train station in Hannover. It is a colorful, well-lit, large 3-level-deep subway stop which makes a good bomb shelter, as well. It was designed to protect some 500,000 people.
Diego and I reflected in the dark train window.
We enjoyed it so much, we did it again.
This is what the subway/tram Strassebahn looks like inside. Bright, colorful, with video monitors and comfortable seats.
Outside view of the Strassebahn subway/tram. When riding with friends, don't delay getting on - someone may get left behind...
A construction train engine at the Uelzen station.